You can play an important role in helping to maintain Parkwood's residential property values and your standard of living... Article 5, Section 1 of the Parkwood HOA By-Laws directs that homeowners are responsible for maintaining their property "in such a manner that safety of other individuals and their property is not threatened and that the aesthetic qualities of the neighborhood are preserved." Responsibility for enforcing these standards is to be handled by a "Community Standards Committee (CSC)", a group of non-board members, which are appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity. The Community Standards Committee is responsible for: a) Investigating complaints made against Parkwood homeowners and determining when homes or properties are judged to be in violation of Community Standards. Complaints are registered and maintained by the Parkwood Association Corporate Secretary. CSC members shall have the right, whenever there is reasonable ca...
The latest and greatest from the Parkwood Neighborhood in Durham NC!